The Asocial

Top 4 websites

The ones that are more popular than Wikipedia

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Article date December 21, 2016
Category internet

Currently there is just 4 websites between Wikipedia and world domination, and we are reviewing those four. Each section begins with a quote from alexa top 500, followed by a list of observations, possibly a comment, and concludes with a more honest description.


Enables users to search the world’s information, including webpages, images, and videos. Offers unique features and search technology.

When attempting to switch to English, or to type anything in the text input field on its main page, an amusing error message appears (the URL is shortened here):

Your client does not have permission to get URL /sorry/index?continue=… from this server. That’s all we know.

Well, at least it’s in English. Note that there is no permission to get a resource that is an error page according to its URL, not the one we were looking for. As if it wasn’t bad enough, the message also claims that there is no permission to get URL, not the resource it refers to.

Two pages behind a captcha: one is weird, and the other one is to broken as what a supernova is to a confetti cannon.


User-submitted videos with rating, comments, and contests.

A file archive limited to videos, with complicated download and no reasonable upload functionality. And with some junk around it.


A social utility that connects people, to keep up with friends, upload photos, share links and videos.

A closed image gallery or something.


The leading Chinese language search engine, provides “simple and reliable” search experience, strong in Chinese language and multi-media content including MP3 music and movies, the first to offer WAP and PDA-based mobile search in China.

Well, it explains why “simple and reliable” is quoted.

Plain nothing.