The Asocial
We provide the best articles about escaping the bore of being a part of the society of today, be that online social networks, or whatever it is out there, outside of computers. No longer you will feel as a member of any kind of a group if you read this magazine.
The website
Our website is currently hosted on github; feel free to clone
it for offline browsing. And there is a Tor network mirror, asocialfz7ncw5ui.onion.
The software
The great and free software that helps us maintain this magazine includes:
- Text editors: GNU Emacs, GNU nano, Vim.
- DVCS: git.
- Website compiler: Hakyll (it relies on pandoc, which allows us to write articles in a variety of common formats).
- Vector graphics editor: Inkscape.
- Image preparation: ImageMagick.
- Various GNU/Linux distributions, and a bunch of other, not directly related to production, yet helpful and important programs.